the best way to store a certificate in a powershell script is in an byte array. But how to get such a byte array as string from an existing certificate?
Continue reading Powershell: Define a x509 certificate in a script
Sample Script to manage Windows
the best way to store a certificate in a powershell script is in an byte array. But how to get such a byte array as string from an existing certificate?
Continue reading Powershell: Define a x509 certificate in a script
powershell can set,edit or delete environment variables as well as cmd.exe command line interpreter.
Continue reading Windows: Set or edit environment variable from powershell
.Net and therefore the powershell has the ability to define a secure string. This means that the string is immediately deleted from memory if it is no longer needed.
Continue reading Powershell: Convert a string into a securestring and back to plaintext
to get and the network access type and the network category use the powershell commandlets Continue reading Windows: Get, set or change the network access type or network category
if you want to create XML files with powershell which can be used on UNIX/Linux systems you need to write an own save function. Ths save() methode of the System.XML.XMLDocument class can only write Windows style XML files with Carriage return/New line endings.
Continue reading Powershell: Write XML files with UNIX line endings