Windows: Copy and backup open files with a batchfile


sometimes you want to copy files which are exclusively locked by other processes.
Continue reading Windows: Copy and backup open files with a batchfile

OpenVPN: A default config template for server and client


these are just 2 templates for a OpenVPN Server and a clients based on the post.

The Server side, based on Debian Linux 8. Copy Key, Certificate & CRL to the right place and create the diffie hellmann key for key exchange.

# Root Directory of the CA
export CA_ROOT_DIRECTORY=${HOME}/openvpn/CA
# The common directory
# Directory for Server Certificate
# The CRL
export CA_CRL=${CA_COMMON_DIR}/crl.pem
# The Environment variable where openssl looking for its config
export OPENSSL_CONF=${CA_COMMON_DIR}/openssl.cfg
# Move default config
mv /etc/openvpn/server  /etc/openvpn/server.old 2> /dev/null
# Copy Key & Certificate
mkdir /etc/openvpn/vpnsrv
cp $CA_SERVER_DIR/server.p12 /etc/openvpn/vpnsrv
cp $CA_CRL /etc/openvpn/vpnsrv
# Create Diffie Hellmenn key for key exchange
export OPENSSL_BIN=`which openssl`
$OPENSSL_BIN gendh -out "/etc/openvpn/vpnsrv/dh.pem" 2048
# Create a Logfolder
mkdir -p  /var/log/openvpn

Continue reading OpenVPN: A default config template for server and client

Postfix: Internal Mailrelay with Auth and TLS encryption to Provider


this will describe the steps to setup a MailRelay for internal use the accepts SMTP Mails and relay it over a secure TLS connection with authification to an external mail provider on top of Debian 8 Jessie.
Continue reading Postfix: Internal Mailrelay with Auth and TLS encryption to Provider

VMware: Set DNS Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter


this is a script to set the DNS Servers for all ESXi Hosts connected to vCenter.

Usage is very simple. Open a PowerCli Command shell. The script accept 2 parameters. “vc” = the vCenter and “s” is the a comma separarted list of DNS Servers.

PS D:\temp> .\SetHostDNS.ps1 -vc yourVCenterServer.yourdomain -s,
Set DNS Server at host1.yourdomain ... ok
Set DNS Server at host2.yourdomain ... ok

Thats all 🙂


WordPress: Warning: Cannot modify header information


when you change your Provider or your provider changes PHP version the Login page of WordPress (wp-login.php) shows an error message like this and a login is impossible:

Warning: Cannot modify header information headers already sent by…
Continue reading WordPress: Warning: Cannot modify header information

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