Tag Archives: appx

Windows: Removing Appx failed with 0x80070032: This app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per-user basis.


since the latest Edge updates an Appx Package Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge is installed on a “per user basis”.
Continue reading Windows: Removing Appx failed with 0x80070032: This app is part of Windows and cannot be uninstalled on a per-user basis.

Windows: Security App does not open


sometimes it happens that the Windows Security App won’t open.

Continue reading Windows: Security App does not open

Windows: Cannot uninstall Store App. Error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CFA


if you want to uninstall some preinstalled store apps you get an error “Deployment failed with HRESULT: 0x80073CFA, Removal failed. Please contact your software vendor.”

This error could happen if the App is not correctly registered.
Continue reading Windows: Cannot uninstall Store App. Error: Exception from HRESULT: 0x80073CFA

Windows: Start an Windows APP from command line


this post describes how to start a Windows App from command line. Windows Apps cannot be started by calling the exe file in the C:\program files\WindowsApps\xxx folder. This can/must be done my using the explorer.exe.

The Syntax is

C:\> explorer.exe shell:appsFolder\%PackageFamilyNameOfTheApp%!%AppId%

Continue reading Windows: Start an Windows APP from command line

Windows: Download appx packages from Microsoft Store (Example install the new Windows Terminal offline)


the store itself does not have an option to download appx packages directly from the Windows store.
Continue reading Windows: Download appx packages from Microsoft Store (Example install the new Windows Terminal offline)