creating selfsigned certificate with openssl is one step
Continue reading openssl: Create a selfsigned certificate
creating selfsigned certificate with openssl is one step
Continue reading openssl: Create a selfsigned certificate
sometimes it is necessary to add an own root/intermediate CA top your machine CA store.
Continue reading Linux: Place own/custom certificates in /etc/ssl/certs
these are the steps to renew a ESXi Host certificate signed by the vCenter VMCA by PowerCli.
Continue reading VMware: Renew an ESXi host certificate by PowerCli
the best way to store a certificate in a powershell script is in an byte array. But how to get such a byte array as string from an existing certificate?
Continue reading Powershell: Define a x509 certificate in a script
for a higher security level it is recommended to install own (trusted) certificates in to VMware’s vCenter VCSA appliance.
Continue reading VMWare vSphere: Install a custom a certificate in VCSA Appliance