Tag Archives: copy

ffmpeg: Copy/bridge a mp3 stream to an (internal) icecast server


a friend of mine has an internal icecast server and want to distribute an exiting internet stream to it.

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Active Directory: Export and import a group policies


powershell has some command lets to deal with with group policies. The command lets can be found in the GroupPolicy module.
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Powershell: Transfer Modules to an offline PC


in these days powershell modules are often installed from a (NuGet) Repository and not by a Setup program.

In companies may exists computers which does not have an active internet connection.

But how to install the modules on these devices?
Continue reading Powershell: Transfer Modules to an offline PC

VMware: Enable copy & paste in VMware Console for a VM


copy & paste is disabled by default in VMware vSphere.
Continue reading VMware: Enable copy & paste in VMware Console for a VM

Windows: Copy and backup open files with a batchfile


sometimes you want to copy files which are exclusively locked by other processes.
Continue reading Windows: Copy and backup open files with a batchfile