Tag Archives: linux

Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection


the scenario: A device with a serial console for example a raspberry pi, orange pi, esp8266 with tasmota, digital multimeter etc. runs headless, but you want to able to connect to the serial console with linux system here called serialServer over the network.
Continue reading Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection

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Raspberry Pi: serial console


most linux distributions for Raspberry Pi activating a serial console.
Continue reading Raspberry Pi: serial console

Windows: Working with the linux subsystem (WSL)


this post contains some examples on how to interact with the Windows Subsystem for Linux. For an installation howto see my previous post.
Continue reading Windows: Working with the linux subsystem (WSL)

Linux: Convert an openssh key into putty ppk format


you want to use a openssh generated ssh key with Putty and PuttyAgent and get an error message like this:

openssh key inport error
openssh key inport error

Continue reading Linux: Convert an openssh key into putty ppk format

FTP: Setup a simple (read only) FTP server without install everything


for some reasons, for example firmware updatse of IoT devices you need a readonly/anonymous FTP server and you don’t wont install and configure a whole ftp solution for this.

The python module twisted offers such a simple server. The ftp server must started with root privileges because it uses a port <1024. I always create a virtual python environment (ftp-venv) for such things.
Continue reading FTP: Setup a simple (read only) FTP server without install everything