Tag Archives: mount

Windows: Read Bitlocker encrypted drive in Windows PE


in WinPE it is possible to read bitlocker encrypted drives.

Check state
manage-bde -status c:

If the drive is only protected by a password use
manage-bde -unlock c: -pw
Continue reading Windows: Read Bitlocker encrypted drive in Windows PE

Linux: Mount a Windows share with kerberos authentication


in some secure environments only kerberos authentication is allowed to connect to a Windows file share.

This example demonstrate the procedure on how to mount a share on a Debian 7 (Wheezy)  Linux. Other distributions should provide a simliar way.

First of all install the necessary pakets.

michael@debdev:~# apt-get install krb5-user krb5-config cifs-utils keyutils

After installing the packages the Kerberos configuration wizard starts.
Continue reading Linux: Mount a Windows share with kerberos authentication

Linux: Multiple ways to mount a partition in a disk image file


there are several ways to mount a partition which is within a diskimage file created for example with dd.

The first and hard way  is to determine the offset of the partition start sector and mounting the disk by specifing the offset as parameter for the loop device.

You can use the  file or fdisk command to examine the file.
root@ubdev:/mnt/RaspberryPI # file 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img
2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img: x86 boot sector; partition 1: ID=0xc, starthead 130, startsector 8192, 114688 sectors; partition 2: ID=0x83, starthead 165, startsector 122880, 3665920 sectors, code offset 0xb8


root@ubdev:/mnt/RaspberryPI # fdisk 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img

Command (m for help): p

Disk 2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img: 1939 MB, 1939865600 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 235 cylinders, total 3788800 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x000714e9

Device Boot                               Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img1            8192      122879       57344    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)
2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img2          122880     3788799     1832960   83  Linux

For example the startsector of partition 2 is 122880,  this multiplied with the 512 bytes per sector is the byte offset of the partition. 122880*512=62914560.
Continue reading Linux: Multiple ways to mount a partition in a disk image file

VMware: Mount a .vmdk virtual disk from command line


sometimes you want to modify some offline Vmware virtual disks from command line. For example to copy or edit config files or set some parameters in the Windows sysprep.xml file.

The VMware Workstation does not provide  a command line utility for this procedure. But there is a way to do this. Download and install the Virtual Disk Development Kit.

After installation a vmware-mount.exe command exists in the bin Folder of the installation directory.

To mount a disk readonly, choose a drive letter (X: in this example), start a cmd.exe as Administrator type the command like this:

first, change to the VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit Program folder

cd "C:\Program Files\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit"

or append the program bin folder to PATH variable

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\VMware Virtual Disk Development Kit\bin;

vmware-mount.exe X: d:\temp\VirtualDisk.vmdk

to mount the disk writable append /m:w at the end of the command:

vmware-mount.exe X: d:\temp\VirtualDisk.vmdk /m:w

Unmounting is quite simple:

vmware-mount.exe X: /d /f

Have fun
