Tag Archives: powershell

Powershell: Generate a GUID


to create a GUID in powershell for the use in your own scripts call the static function NewGuid() from the system.Guid class.

PS D:\> [system.Guid]::NewGuid()


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Office 365: Add Outlook shortout to explorer’s sendto context menu


to simply send files by using the Windows Explorer sendto context menu you have to create an Outlook shortcut in the shell:sendto folder.
Continue reading Office 365: Add Outlook shortout to explorer’s sendto context menu

Powershell: Customize the prompt


the default prompt of the powershell is “PS” and the current working directory:
Continue reading Powershell: Customize the prompt

Powershell: Run a (init) script when powershell starts


if have some own aliases or functions defined which should be loaded when powershell starts you can create a startup script.
Continue reading Powershell: Run a (init) script when powershell starts

Windows: Working with the powershell command history


like the UNIX bash shell, the Windows powershell also has a history which commands were executed.

Continue reading Windows: Working with the powershell command history