Tag Archives: script

Powershell: Define a x509 certificate in a script


the best way to store a certificate in a powershell script is in an byte array. But how to get such a byte array as string from an existing certificate?
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Office 365: Add Outlook shortout to explorer’s sendto context menu


to simply send files by using the Windows Explorer sendto context menu you have to create an Outlook shortcut in the shell:sendto folder.
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Powershell/Excel: Check if a excel document contains macros


this script can be used to check if excel contains some active code. It opens the excel file in an safe way and looks for VB content and write the full file path to the console if macros are found.
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Windows: Execute a Script at shutdown


like system startup it is not possible to execute a script at system shutdown with the task scheduler. It must be configured with a group policy. You can choose the GUI way are set it by script:

Let us assume the Script is C:\scripts\shutdownEv.cmd.
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Windows: Cleanup files from WSUS which are no longer needed


the content of an WSUS Server crows every month for several GiBytes because WSUS does held all files which has the approval state “install”.
Continue reading Windows: Cleanup files from WSUS which are no longer needed