Tag Archives: script

Windows 10: Powershell Script to protect your privacy


this Powershell script is a try to protect your privacy in Windows 10.
Update 17.08.2016: Lot of adjustment to Windows 10 1607. Added more documentation
Continue reading Windows 10: Powershell Script to protect your privacy

VMware: Set DNS Server of all ESXi Host conntected to vCenter


this is a script to set the DNS Servers for all ESXi Hosts connected to vCenter.

Usage is very simple. Open a PowerCli Command shell. The script accept 2 parameters. “vc” = the vCenter and “s” is the a comma separarted list of DNS Servers.

PS D:\temp> .\SetHostDNS.ps1 -vc yourVCenterServer.yourdomain -s,
Set DNS Server at host1.yourdomain ... ok
Set DNS Server at host2.yourdomain ... ok

Thats all 🙂


EIB/KNX: Upstart startup script for eibd


as a follow up of the 2 previous posts(compiling eibd and SysV startup script) here is a sample Upstart script for the eibd daemon. Some Ubuntu based distributions uses the upstart start mechanism.

Login as root at your machine where eibd is installed and add a user under  which the eibd process should run.

useradd eibd -s /bin/false -U -M

Create the upstart conf file /etc/init/eibd.conf

# eibd - startscript for the eibd daemon
description "eibd daemon Upstart script"
author "Michael Albert info@michlstechblog.info"

start on (filesystem or resume)
stop on (suspend or runlevel [!2345])
expect fork
normal exit 0

pre-start script
route add dev eth0 2>&1 > /dev/null || true
end script

DAEMON_OPTS="-d -D -T -R -S -i -u --eibaddr=1.1.128 ipt:"
exec start-stop-daemon --start -c eibd --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
end script

post-stop script
route delete 2>&1 > /dev/null || true
end script

Continue reading EIB/KNX: Upstart startup script for eibd

Script to get a list of computers connected to a Avocent KVM switch


in his office, a customer have a few Avocent KVM switches to control some client computers in a remote room. He ask me about the possibility to get a list of all computers connected to these boxes, because he do not want to maintain any list by hand.

I research the documention but there is no (scripting) interface from which I could get such a list. SSH is only for connecting serial consoles, SNMP offers no OIDs for such a case.

Because of the costs, DSView isn’t a option. The only way seems to be to extracting the list by reading the Webfrontend HTML output. Let us do this 🙂

I wrote a script in powershell, at least version 2 is needed to handle selfsigned SSL certificates, which do the following:

  • Login to the Webfronted with https and SSL encryption by System.Net.HTTPWebRequest class to get the authentification cookie
  • Get the Device HTML  page by .NET class System.Net.Webclient and using Authentification cookie
  • Save HTML do a temporary file
  • Open the file with Internet Explorer
  • Get the URL to start a KVM session, computername and portnumber by  DOM

Script details

Define the User, Password, protocol and the devices:

# KVM User
# KVM Password
# Protocol
# Your Devices

Built HTTP POST text and disable SSL certificate warnings
Continue reading Script to get a list of computers connected to a Avocent KVM switch