Tag Archives: windows 10

Windows: Get Windows Feature Version/Release ID


2 Ways to determine the Windows Feature Version / Release ID from commandline. With powershell
Continue reading Windows: Get Windows Feature Version/Release ID

Windows: Setup a WSUS Server for Windows 10 Clients with Feature Support


in this post I will describe all steps to install a Windows Update Server at top an a Windows Server 2012R2 to fully support the Windows 10 Feature updates.

Continue reading Windows: Setup a WSUS Server for Windows 10 Clients with Feature Support

Windows 10: Trigger detecting updates from command line


since Windows 10 the command wuauclt /detectnow does not work anymore.
Continue reading Windows 10: Trigger detecting updates from command line

Windows 10: Powershell Script to protect your privacy


this Powershell script is a try to protect your privacy in Windows 10.
Update 17.08.2016: Lot of adjustment to Windows 10 1607. Added more documentation
Continue reading Windows 10: Powershell Script to protect your privacy