Tag Archives: ssh

Linux: Creating a ssh keypair with puttygen


use the following steps to create a ssh key pair with puttygen and import the public key on a linux hosts.

Start puttygen and generate an 4096 Bit RSA Key.

Generate an 4096Bit RSA Key
Generate an 4096Bit RSA Key

Set a strong password and save it (D:\temp\private.ppk in this example) at a secure location.
Continue reading Linux: Creating a ssh keypair with puttygen

Linux: ssh X11 forwarding does not work


a friend of mine had the problem that X11 forwarding does not work on his linux box. I obligate him to check:

Ensure a X11 server is running at your local client.
Continue reading Linux: ssh X11 forwarding does not work

VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 3


part 3 of my (incomplete) list of the esx cli.

ESXi Advanced Kernel Settings/Parameters

Get all

esxcli system settings advanced list

Set one, i.e. disable the shell respectively ssh warnings

esxcli system settings advanced set -o /UserVars/SuppressShellWarning -i 1

ESXi Kernel modules

List loaded kernel modules

vmkload_mod  -l

Get a list of all enabled kernel modules

esxcfg-module -q
Continue reading VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 3

VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 2


here is part 2 of my (incomplete) list of ESXi shell commands

Managing virtual machines

First get the VMID of the vm you want to manage, you need this ID in the following commands

vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

Vmid  Name File Guest OS  Version  Annotation
36 .......................................

Power On
vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 36

Power Off (Soft)

vim-cmd vmsvc/power.off 36

Power Off (Hard)

get the world ID of the virtual machine

esxcli vm process list


World ID: 1625788
Process ID: 0
VMX Cartel ID: 1625786
UUID: 56 4d 9e d3 8b ce ab 59-9b 22 ac 87 40 6c 48 c3
Display Name: TestComputer

And kill them

esxcli vm process kill -t [soft,hard,force] -w

esxcli vm process kill -t hard -w

Reboot a virtual machine
Continue reading VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 2

VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 1


here is a list of some cli’s  to control a VMware ESXi host from the command line. Enable the ESXi shell and login to console or connect with a ssh client remotely.
Restart Management, HA Services
/sbin/services restart

Installing Software. List/Install/Uninstall  VIBs (vSphere Installation bundle)

List vibs

esxcli software vib list

Install a vib

esxcli software vib install -v file:/tmp/[NewVIB].vib

Uninstall a vib (determine the Name of the VIB by the list command)

esxcli software vib remove -n VIBname

Install a patch

esxcli software vib install /tmp/[patchName].zip


firewall state

esxcli network firewall get

Firewall rules
Continue reading VMware ESXi: A (incomplete) list of host commands Part 1