Tag Archives: Tasmota

Tasmota: Connect a lcdproc/LCDd compatible HD44780 i2c Display


I already owned a HD44780 I2C Display, which is compatible to LCDd/lcdproc, and want to get this running with Tasmota.

Problem: The LCD 2004 or LCD 1602 Display, for which the Tasmota LCD driver was written, uses a different wiring between the i2c expander (PCF8574) and the HD44780 Display.
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Sonoff TH10/16: Flashing Tasmota and setup temperature measurement

these steps describes how to install Tasmota on Sonoff Smart Home WIFI/WLAN relay.

First you need a the flash tool esptool. Simplest way is to install the python module. This is the same way on linux and windows
Continue reading Sonoff TH10/16: Flashing Tasmota and setup temperature measurement