All posts by Michael Albert

Windows: Create a new local User Account and add them to a local group by using .NET and C#


a short post. It describes how to create a new local Windows User account and add them to an existing local user group.

First of all, include the following references in your project:

using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

Create a new User with local administrator rights.

// define Username and Password
const string USER_NAME = "NewAdmin";
char[] aPWchars = { 'P', 'a', 's', 's' , 'w', 'o', 'r', 'd'};
System.Security.SecureString oPW = new System.Security.SecureString();
foreach (char cChr in aPWchars) {
// Get Computerobject via ADSI
DirectoryEntry oComputer = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",computer");
// New User
DirectoryEntry oNewUser = oComputer.Children.Add(USER_NAME, "user");
// define Pointer to a string
IntPtr pString = IntPtr.Zero;
// Pointer to password
pString = Marshal.SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(oPW);
// Set password
oNewUser.Invoke("SetPassword", new object[] { Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pString) });
// Add a description
oNewUser.Invoke("Put", new object[] { "Description", "New Administrator" });
// Save changes
// Cleanup and free Password pointer
// Get Group
DirectoryEntry oGroup = oComputer.Children.Find("Administrators", "group");
// And add the recently created user
oGroup.Invoke("Add", new object[] { oNewUser.Path.ToString() });


Apache: Setting up a simple reverse proxy


this post describes how to setup a reverse proxy for a host. All http requests to host should deliver the content of at Port 8080.

First you have to enable the requiered modules in httpd.conf

LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/

Then insert a virtual host directive:

<VirtualHost *>
    ProxyRequests off
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass /
    ProxyPassReverse /

That’s it.


Powershell: Control Excel remotely


I often have to collect some data and fill out some excel lists with those. Here are a few examples how to control Excel using the COM object with powershell.

# This script controls Excel remotely
# Author Michael Albert
# License: GPL v2
# File must exists
# Get COM Object
$oExcel = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"
# Set Excel visible
$oExcel.Visible = $true
# open excel file
$oExcelDoc = $oExcel.Workbooks.Open($sInputFile)
# Open 1st Worksheet
$oWorksheet = $oExcelDoc.Worksheets.item(1)
# Jump to worksheet (only GUI)
# Get Rows and columns dimension
$iUsedRangeRow  = $oWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
$iUsedRangeColumns  = $oWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
# Auto adjust column with
# Read a cell A1 A=1 1=1, Row and columns startet by 1
write-host "Cell A1" $oWorksheet.Cells.Item(1,1).Text
# Write text
$oWorksheet.Cells.Item(2,1).value2="New Text"
# Activate cell (only GUI)
# Set Backgroundcolor of a cell
$oWorksheet.Cells.Item(1,1).Interior.ColorIndex = 4
# With RBG, first load assembly
# With .NET defined color constants
# With  RBG Color
# Set Font Color
$oWorksheet.Cells.Item(2,1).Font.ColorIndex = 1
# Font Size
# Rotate
# Bold
$oWorksheet.Cells.Item(2,1).Font.Bold = $true
# Strike through
# Write a comment to a cell
$oWorksheet.Cells.Item(2,1).AddComment("This is a comment")|Out-Null

# Format Cell Range

# New Worksheet and get object
# Rename new Worksheet
$oNewWorksheet.Name="My new worksheet"

# Close Document and save
Start-Sleep 1
# Cleanup COM
Start-Sleep 1
# Cleanup COM
# Close Excel
Start-Sleep 1
# Cleanup COM

To be continued 🙂


VMware: Computer Account is disabled after deploying Windows Clients


last week I had to deploy 25virtual Windows (XP) Clients an on VMware ESX Cluster. One of the requirements was that the clients must be member of a Windows Active Directory.

After setting up vCenter (copy sysprep) I installed a reference Windows XP vm, convert them to a template and defined a Customization Specification like this:

Initial Customization Specification
Initial Customization Specification

During the cloning process, by using the template with the recently created custom spec, the domain join always fails and the Computer Account was disabled at each try.

Ok, now I tried modify some parameter of the Custom Specification:

  • Changing the Domain from fqdn to the NetBIOS Domain “SUB”
  • Altered the Username to SUB\joinuser or joinuser@SUB or

Continue reading VMware: Computer Account is disabled after deploying Windows Clients