Category Archives: Windows

Windows tips, howtos, scripts

Windows. Stop 0x0000007B. How to add a mass storage driver manually


this posts describes which steps are necassary to add or repair a masstorage driver in an exiting Windows installation.

If a Windows boot ends with a bluescreen STOP 0x0000007B INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE, the system is unable to load a driver for your disk controller properly.

It is possible to correct this and respective, if the hardware changed, to add a driver manually.

The masstorage device driver is registered in Windows at five positions:

  • The Driver file (.sys) itself must be stored in %Systemroot%\system32\drivers
  • The Signature file (.cat) is stored in
  • The Install file (.inf) is located at %Systemroot%\inf
  • The Registry Key to start the driver => the service entry
  • The Registry Key to load the driver at the begin of the boot process => the CriticalDeviceDatabase

An example. Installing the Intel Rapid Storage (RST) Driver. Download the driver from the Homepage of the manufacturer, extract it and copy the files to an USB Stick or burn a cd.
Continue reading Windows. Stop 0x0000007B. How to add a mass storage driver manually

Windows: Network interface order


some Licensemanager uses the first MAC Address found in system as the HostID. You can use the getmac.exe command to show the list with all NICs.


Physical addresse   Transport Name
=================== ===================================================
5C-9A-D8-AE-DC-0D   \device\TCPIP_{c6a12685-4aed-49a8-b26b-dce59b81b911}
00-DE-94-17-CA-0F   \device\TCPIP_{9f963344-edae-4a42-a992-bb9bc05672bb}
00-CA-BE-17-CA-0F   \device\TCPIP_{ad634d51-ccee-43d5-bef6-ce5749b4cdfd}

In this example 5C-9A-D8-AE-DC-0D was used as the host id. Sometimes, after installing a additional LAN adapter or by removing one, these alignment is disordered and the licensemanager won’t start.

These order is indent by the subkeys of


Each Network Interface has its own subkey started by 0000. The lowest Keynumber is the first in the output of getmac. So order your NICs as you want by renaming the keys(4-digit numbers)


Windows: Set network parameters from command line by using WMIC.exe


you can use wmic.exe  to set some network parameters (and much more, its WMI!!) from command line. Syntax is very hard, but it works :-).

For Example. If you want to disable the DNS registration of all enabled Intel e1000 network adapters.

wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where (IPEnabled="true" and ServiceName="E1G60") call SetDynamicDNSRegistration False,False

The Filter in the braces is the where condition of wmi “select * from NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=’true’ and ServiceName=’E1G60′ ” statement.  Modify this for your needs. By using WMI queries this is much more flexible than netsh command lines.


OpenVPN: Generate a random MAC Address for TAP Interfaces on Windows


if you use some image based technology to deploy your Windows installation, for example SCCM, MDT, Acronis and/or sysprep based, and OpenVPM is already included, the MAC Address of the TAP LAN interface isn’t changed by that way. But a unique MAC Address is requiered if the clients conntects to the same OpenVPN server. If multiple clients have the same MAC Address ping from VPN Clients sometimes fails with error “TTL expired in transit” and the VPN connection is unstable.

This powershellscript sets a MAC Address for each OpenVPN TAP adapter. In detail:

  • Creating a Eventlog TAPsetMAC
  • Get all instances for TAP Adapters by reading HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\MatchingDeviceID == “tap0901”
  • Generate a random MAC Address. Starting with Prefix defined in $sMACPrefix.
  • Writing the MAC to each Adapter
  • Log the result to the EventLog
# Generate a random MAC for all OpenVPN tap LAN interfaces
#  Michael Albert
#  05.04.2013
# License: GPLv2
# HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
# MatchingDeviceID tap0901
# REG_SZ MAC=00-FF-8F-E3-A1-AE
$oRandom=New-Object System.random
function fGetRandomMAC([string]$sMACStart){
     if($sMACStart.length -ge 0 -and $sMACStart.length -le 11){
          for($iLoop=$sMACStart.length; $iLoop -le 11; $iLoop++){
               $sMACStart+=[String]::Format("{0:x}", $iChar).ToUpper()
          return $false
function fConvert2MAC16([string]$sMAC12){
     if($sMAC12.length -eq 12){
          for($iLoop=0;$iLoop -le 11;$iLoop++){
               if((($iLoop+1) % 2) -eq 0 -and ($iLoop+1) -lt 12){
          return $sMAC16
          return $false
# Currently not used but defined :-)
function fValidMAC([system.string]$sMAC){
          $RegExIP=new-object System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}\-){5}([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$")
if(! [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists("TAPsetMAC")){
     New-EventLog -Source TAPsetMAC -Log Application
$aTAPAdapter=Get-ChildItem "registry::HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |where-object{$_.GetValue("MatchingDeviceID") -eq "tap0901"}
foreach($rTAPAdapter in $aTAPAdapter){
     # Get-ItemProperty -Path "registry::HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
     if(! ($rTAPAdapter.GetValue("MAC"))){
          # Get-ItemProperty -Path ("registry::"+$rTAPAdapter.Name)
          $sMAC=fGetRandomMAC $sMACPrefix
          if($sMAC16=fConvert2MAC16 $sMAC){
               Write-Host -NoNewline  "Set MAC of TAP Adaper to" $sMAC16 "..."
               New-ItemProperty -Path ("registry::"+$rTAPAdapter.Name) -Force -Name MAC -PropertyType String -Value $sMAC16|Out-Null
               if(! $Error){
                    Write-Host "ok"
                    Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source TAPsetMAC -EntryType Information -EventID 666 -Message ("TAP LAN Adapter: Altered MAC Address to "+$sMAC16)
                    Write-EventLog -LogName Application -Source TAPsetMAC -EntryType Warning -EventID 666 -Message ("TAP LAN Adapter: Failed to altered MAC Address to "+$sMAC16)


Powershell: Some basic XML handling with Powershell and .NET

Hi everybody,

here are some fundamentals to handle XML Files with powershell.

The following commands uses these XML File

<config description="Config file for testing">
    <system description="Document Management">
        <document authorFirstName="Kirk" authorSurname="Author1" date="20130503 01:15:43" description="Document Hammet" index="3">C:\temp\doc0001.txt</document>
        <document authorFirstName="Lars" authorSurname="Author5" date="20130503 10:05:42" description="Document Ulrich" index="4">C:\temp\doc0002.txt</document>
        <document authorFirstName="Cliff" authorSurname="Author5" date="20130612 11:54:33" description="Document Burton"  index="6">C:\temp\doc0051.txt</document>
        <document authorFirstName="Jason" authorSurname="Author2" date="20130806 04:02:41" description="Document Newsted"  index="1">C:\temp\doc0041.txt</document>
        <document authorFirstName="Robert" authorSurname="Smith" date="20131202 07:12:03" description="Document Trujillo"  index="2">C:\temp\doc0012.txt</document>
        <document authorFirstName="James" authorSurname="Smith" date="20130211 09:05:59" description="Document Hetfield"  index="5">C:\temp\doc0003.txt</document>

Creating  a XML File, create a document root, create subelements, add and set attributes, save the file

# Create a new XML File with config root node
[System.XML.XMLDocument]$oXMLDocument=New-Object System.XML.XMLDocument
# New Node
# Append as child to an existing node
# Add a Attribute
$oXMLRoot.SetAttribute("description","Config file for testing")
$oXMLSystem.SetAttribute("description","Document Management")
# Save File

Loading an existing XML File, read an element, do some XPATH queries

Continue reading Powershell: Some basic XML handling with Powershell and .NET