outstanding file movements can be shown with Sysinternals pendmoves.exe or via the registry key
1 | PS D:\> Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" -Name PendingFileRenameOperations |
Howto do some things in Windows
outstanding file movements can be shown with Sysinternals pendmoves.exe or via the registry key
1 | PS D:\> Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager" -Name PendingFileRenameOperations |
if you were faced with this error when you try to change the timezone on a Windows Server 2022/2025…
to enter a Powershell 7 shell over WinRM setup the machines as followed:
Continue reading Powershell 7: Use Powershell 7 as WinRM shell
let use assume you have a network adapter with multiple tagged 802.1q vlans on it. Previously, Intel published the Advanced network services. In the past this could be used to create a virtual network adapter for each VLAN id. Unfortunatly the tool is deprected.
Continue reading Windows: Add a virtual interface for each 802.1q tagged vlan
Windows has a builtin tool for dealing with x509 certificates, certificate stores and much more.
Continue reading Windows: certutil command line examples