Mail: Generator for mail subject line with Emoji, Pictographs and Symbols


to show emoji,Pictographs or symbols in email subject line this line must be UTF8 encoded.

For example a heart. A heart has the Unicode Heart Unicode UTF8(Hex) Code 0xE2 0x99 0xA5.
Continue reading Mail: Generator for mail subject line with Emoji, Pictographs and Symbols

Powershell: Encode and decode Base64 strings


short post today. How to en- and decode base64 strings.
Continue reading Powershell: Encode and decode Base64 strings

Windows: Cancel Bits transfers from other user


if you try to remove bits transfers initialted from SYSTEM or from other users you get an Access Denied (Unable to cancel job – 0x80070005) error.
Continue reading Windows: Cancel Bits transfers from other user

Windows: Cleanup Permissions from deleted Active Directory Objects


in domain environments it sometimes happens that user or groups would be deleted but is still authorized on many object, i.e. filesystems, shares etc..

Continue reading Windows: Cleanup Permissions from deleted Active Directory Objects

Windows: Start WiFi/WLAN Network Connection Dialog from command line or C#


to start the Windows Wireless Connection Dialog from a command shell use the following command line
Continue reading Windows: Start WiFi/WLAN Network Connection Dialog from command line or C#

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