VMware: Execute scripts by Invoke-VMScript as Administrator


this post addresses the issue that, when Windows UAC is enabled, you could not execute scripts with elevated Administrator permissions by PowerCli’s Invoke-VMScript. In my opinion when I execute scripts on VMs in more then 80% of these cases I need elevated user rights.
Continue reading VMware: Execute scripts by Invoke-VMScript as Administrator

Windows: Activate Administrator access over Network


since Windows Vista the access from network for members of the local Administrators group is restricted by default.
Continue reading Windows: Activate Administrator access over Network

Raspberry Pi: EIB/KNX IP Gateway and Router with knxd


in my previous posts EIB/KNX Router with an USB Interface and KNX/EIB Router with a TPUART module I described how to use a Raspberry PI as EIB/KNX Router with eibd.

eibd is no longer in development so I decided to give knxd, a fork of eibd, a try:-) The script attached at the end of the post is written for raspbian but should also work an all debian system with systemd imit system.

Continue reading Raspberry Pi: EIB/KNX IP Gateway and Router with knxd

Git: Some examples


my git example collection…to be continued
Global Config
Set your username

git config --global user.name "Michael"

Continue reading Git: Some examples

Powershell: Determine the image type (x64/x86) of an exe file


based on this stackoverflow post I’ve written a powershell function to determine the image type of an Windows executable. The Powershells System.IO.FileSystemInfo type does not provide such an info.
Continue reading Powershell: Determine the image type (x64/x86) of an exe file

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