Tag Archives: User

Raspberry PI: Create a (default) user during Raspian installation


rasbian is no langer shipped with the default user pi. A new user must be created during the first logon at the console.

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Powershell: Encrypt and decrypt strings with the host key


each Windows machine has it’s own host key. This can be used to encrypt data which are only decrypted by this computer.

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vSphere: Remove orphaned user from an sso group by command line


after migrating a vSphere vCenter instance from Windows to the VCSA appliance some (Windows local user which do no longer exists on linux) orphaned user are member of an SSO group.

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Linux: Add a user with a disabled password


these commands adds a user with a disabled password:
Continue reading Linux: Add a user with a disabled password

Windows: Store credentials to access a share


the credialstore offers the ability to store credientials to access some resources without entering the password every time when the resource is used.
Continue reading Windows: Store credentials to access a share