Tag Archives: windows

Windows: Enable smartcard/CAPI2 debugging


smartcard login consists on CAPI2. To enable verbose debugging set the loglevel and start the logging
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Windows: Get and decrypt password from rdp files


rdp files can store the password for a connection. The password is protected with the users key who saved the file.
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Windows: Capture (Main) Screen and Audio with free software


there are a lot of tools which does this task.
Continue reading Windows: Capture (Main) Screen and Audio with free software

Windows: Startmenu does not open


an ofter error in Windows 10/11 is that the Startmenu does not open.

Windows10 Startmenu Error
Windows10 Startmenu Error

Continue reading Windows: Startmenu does not open

Windows: Unload/Disable a device driver from command line


like Linux rmmod Windows can also unload a device driver “online”.

Continue reading Windows: Unload/Disable a device driver from command line