All posts by Michael Albert

C#: Get description attribute from an enum value


in this post I will show how to read a description attribute of an enum value by reflection. Let us assume we have a enum linke this

public enum MetalBands {
	[DescriptionAttribute("This is Metallica from CA")]
	[DescriptionAttribute("This is Slayer from CA")]
	[DescriptionAttribute("This is Overkill from NY")]

Continue reading C#: Get description attribute from an enum value

OpenVPN: Built a certification authority from scratch with openssl


these are the steps to build your own CA (Certification Authority) and all requiered certificates for a OpenVPN instance (Client and Server) on Linux.

Define your environment. Always set these variables in the shell before executing openssl commands. Adjust it to your needs.
Continue reading OpenVPN: Built a certification authority from scratch with openssl

Linux: Creating a ssh keypair with puttygen


use the following steps to create a ssh key pair with puttygen and import the public key on a linux hosts.

Start puttygen and generate an 4096 Bit RSA Key.

Generate an 4096Bit RSA Key
Generate an 4096Bit RSA Key

Set a strong password and save it (D:\temp\private.ppk in this example) at a secure location.
Continue reading Linux: Creating a ssh keypair with puttygen

Debian Linux: Define a system wide HTTP proxy


to define a system wide HTTP proxy edit /etc/environment with your favourite text editor and insert the following lines
Continue reading Debian Linux: Define a system wide HTTP proxy

Linux: Install LAMP stack on debian

Hi ,

this post describes the steps to install a lamp stack on debian linux. This is the base for many content management systems like Joomla, WordPress or Drupal.

LAMP means linux as operating system, apache as webserver,  mysql as database and PHP as script language. To install all packages login as root.
Continue reading Linux: Install LAMP stack on debian