Category Archives: Powershell

Windows: Working with the powershell command history


like the UNIX bash shell, the Windows powershell also has a history which commands were executed.

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Powershell: Working with a SQLite Database


SQLite Databases are widly used, even Windows uses for the organisation of its Appx Packages a SQLite database. This database is located in the file C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository\StateRepository-Machine.srd.

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Powershell: Change the title of the powershell window from a script


sometimes it would be nice to see the status of a script in the title of the powershell window.
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VMware: Installing PowerCli from zip


if you have an system which is not connected to the internet you cannot install PowerCli online .

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Powershell: Export/Convert a X509 Certificate to pem format


powershell respectively the .NET framework does not offer a method to export a X509 certificate in PEM format. The pem format is a Base64 encoded view from the raw data with a header and a footer.

An example to export the machine certificate (with Thumbprint: 1C0381278083E3CB026E46A7FF09FC4B79543D) of an computer
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