Debian Linux: Define a system wide HTTP proxy


to define a system wide HTTP proxy edit /etc/environment with your favourite text editor and insert the following lines
Continue reading Debian Linux: Define a system wide HTTP proxy

Linux: Install LAMP stack on debian

Hi ,

this post describes the steps to install a lamp stack on debian linux. This is the base for many content management systems like Joomla, WordPress or Drupal.

LAMP means linux as operating system, apache as webserver,  mysql as database and PHP as script language. To install all packages login as root.
Continue reading Linux: Install LAMP stack on debian

Powershell: Export a Excel Worksheet as csv file


with a few lines Powershell code it is possible to export a Excel Workbook as a csv file.
Define your excel list


Open Excel using DCOM
Continue reading Powershell: Export a Excel Worksheet as csv file

Windows: Query Active Directory Site information


short post today:-)

nltest is a builtin tool in Windows to query lots of AD information.
Continue reading Windows: Query Active Directory Site information

Windows: Equivalent to linux time command


the time command in Windows gets or sets the system time. If you need an equivalent to the linux time command – which measure the execution time of a given command – you can use the powershell commandlet Measure-Command. Limitation is that only the time can measure how long the command execution runs, not splited into user, system and realtime.
Continue reading Windows: Equivalent to linux time command

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