Tag Archives: file

Windows: Check to which (Internet Explorer) Zone a file or path belongs to


there is no GUI available to show to which Internet Explorer Zone a file belongs.

Continue reading Windows: Check to which (Internet Explorer) Zone a file or path belongs to

bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file


to simply redirect all incoming input from STDIN to a file you can use less.
Continue reading bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file

Windows: Get and decrypt password from rdp files


rdp files can store the password for a connection. The password is protected with the users key who saved the file.
Continue reading Windows: Get and decrypt password from rdp files

Git: Search in all versions of a file for a specific string


to search in all versions of a file for a specfic string:
First get a list of all commits, then grep each commit:
Continue reading Git: Search in all versions of a file for a specific string

Git: Export all versions of a file within a given time range


in some cases I uses git repositories for versioning log files and want to export a specific logfile in all versions:

for CommitHash in `git rev-list HEAD -- myFolder/myfile`; do
    git show ${CommitHash}:myFolder/myfile > export/${CommitHash}_myfile

combined with given time range

git  rev-list --after="2021-08-31" --until="2021-10-10" HEAD

and the the date of a commit in the filename

git show --format=%cd -s --date=format:'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' 8dba4dd6ef44fe0c069ec87eb179ac8f8ae2222c

This should be this one:

export File=myFolder/myfile
export ExportFolder=/tmp
for CommitHash in `git rev-list --after="2021-11-01" --until="2021-11-16" HEAD -- $File`; do
    export CommitDate=$(git show --format=%cd -s --date=format:'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' ${CommitHash})
    export ExportFileName=${ExportFolder}/${File}_${CommitDate}_${CommitHash} 
    echo Exporting $ExportFileName  
    git show ${CommitHash}:${File} > $ExportFileName
