Tag Archives: IP Address

Windows: Add an IP Address to the local intranet zone


the internet explorers security zones affects more windows components then the internet explorer itself. For example the Windows File Explorer or the Windows Powershell.
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Linux: ip command line examples


the old style ifconfig, route and netstat commands does not support all network, especially IPv6, features shipped with modern linux distributions.

Replacement are ip (ifconfig, route) and ss (netstat). Here are some examples.
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VMware: Set MAC Address of a kernel interface with PowerCli


the New-VMHostNetworkAdapter offers the ability to set the MAC address while adding a new kernel interface. But this has a limitation. It always only a MAC within a range 00:50:56:00:00:00 – 00:50:56:3F:FF:FF.

If you try it even though you will get an error:

New-VMHostNetworkAdapter The MAC address is invalid or is not in the valid range 00:50:56:00:00:00 - 00:50:56:3F:FF:FF.

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VMware: Find VMs by IP Address


sometimes you want to find which IP Address belongs to a virtual machine. This can be easily done by powercli, provided that the VMware Tools are installed in each VM.
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Windows: Only register primary IP Address in DNS


if you want to change the IP Address (new Address is in the same subnet) a of Windows Server by a minimal downtime for the users?

In pure Active Directory domains this is not a problem because the server itself updates its A Record at the DNS server and the Active Directory replicates the entry immediately.
In large environments with a heterogeneous DNS structure the TTL of the DNS entry respectively of the DNS zone becomes very important, because the entry is cached for this time by the requesting server, so the time when the new DNS A record reaches  each DNS Server can take some time.
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