All posts by rootBlog

ESP32: Interesting projects


this post is a link collector for some intressting ESP32 projects
Continue reading ESP32: Interesting projects

Windows: Interface down due to an IP Address conflict


a customer had the issue that an virtual machine gets down frequently. An ipconfig reports a IP Address of the “Automatic Private IP Addressing” range (169.254.x.x).
Continue reading Windows: Interface down due to an IP Address conflict

ffmpeg: Copy/bridge a mp3 stream to an (internal) icecast server


a friend of mine has an internal icecast server and want to distribute an exiting internet stream to it.

Continue reading ffmpeg: Copy/bridge a mp3 stream to an (internal) icecast server

Linux/systemd: Set default runlevel to console


for server systems it isn’t necessary to start a graphical user interface because they usually run headless.
Continue reading Linux/systemd: Set default runlevel to console

Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection


the scenario: A device with a serial console for example a raspberry pi, orange pi, esp8266 with tasmota, digital multimeter etc. runs headless, but you want to able to connect to the serial console with linux system here called serialServer over the network.
Continue reading Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection