All posts by rootBlog

Linux: Serial interface/terminal redirecting/forwarding over a TLS encrypted TCP/IP connection


the scenario: A device with a serial console for example a raspberry pi, orange pi, esp8266 with tasmota, digital multimeter etc. runs headless, but you want to able to connect to the serial console with linux system here called serialServer over the network.
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VMware Workstation: Downloaded ovf template does not boot: SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED


Error description: You have downloaded a virtual machine from a vSphere instance via ovf export and it won’t start due to:


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Windows: Resolve dependencies when an Application not starts


something you get or load a tool and it won’t start due to a missing Runtime or dll.

Continue reading Windows: Resolve dependencies when an Application not starts

rsync: Using rsync with puttyagent on Windows


the often called question: Can I run rsync on Windows by using the putty agent?

Answer: Yes, but there a some steps to setup such an environment.
Continue reading rsync: Using rsync with puttyagent on Windows

Tasmota: Connect a lcdproc/LCDd compatible HD44780 i2c Display


I already owned a HD44780 I2C Display, which is compatible to LCDd/lcdproc, and want to get this running with Tasmota.

Problem: The LCD 2004 or LCD 1602 Display, for which the Tasmota LCD driver was written, uses a different wiring between the i2c expander (PCF8574) and the HD44780 Display.
Continue reading Tasmota: Connect a lcdproc/LCDd compatible HD44780 i2c Display