All posts by rootBlog

Windows: Add a virtual interface for each 802.1q tagged vlan


let use assume you have a network adapter with multiple tagged 802.1q vlans on it. Previously, Intel published the Advanced network services. In the past this could be used to create a virtual network adapter for each VLAN id. Unfortunatly the tool is deprected.

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XML: Selectnode XPath query independend from namespace


i got the following xml structure and want to select just the the “Data” node with the attribute “CommandLine” without defining a namespace object first.
Continue reading XML: Selectnode XPath query independend from namespace

OpenVPN: OpenVPN asks for a password


after migrating to a new client and installing the latest version of OpenVPN, OpenVPN asks for a password while trying to connect to the server.
Continue reading OpenVPN: OpenVPN asks for a password

bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file


to simply redirect all incoming input from STDIN to a file you can use less.
Continue reading bash: Redirect all STDIN to a file

WSUS: Windows Update Server does not deliver newer updates. Error code: 0x80070003


a customer had no issue that its WSUS server does not deliver new updates (February 2023). The download of the updates ends up in an Error 0x80070003.

Continue reading WSUS: Windows Update Server does not deliver newer updates. Error code: 0x80070003