Tag Archives: linux

Linux: Call a phone and play a message with asterisk


asterisk is a complete VoIP/SIP solution but can also be used as a SIP client to send a prerecorded message. In this example I will use a Fritz!box as the upstream SIP Server for asterisk.
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Linux: ip command line examples


the old style ifconfig, route and netstat commands does not support all network, especially IPv6, features shipped with modern linux distributions.

Replacement are ip (ifconfig, route) and ss (netstat). Here are some examples.
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Linux: Change working directory to script directory in bash


short post. You start a bash script and want to change the working directory to the directory where the script is stored

Use this:

cd "$(dirname "$0")"


Linux: Disable IPv6


to disable IPv6 on a Linux system you have to set some variables with sysctl.
Continue reading Linux: Disable IPv6

Linux: Install LAMP Stack on Debian 10 (Buster)

Hi ,

this post describes the steps to install a lamp stack on debian linux. This is the base for many content management systems like Joomla, WordPress or Drupal.
Continue reading Linux: Install LAMP Stack on Debian 10 (Buster)