unfortunately Microsoft has deceided to discontinue its Small Buisiness Server and for small environments you not really want to buy an Windows Server and install them as an Active Directory Domain Controller. When Microsofts Cloud isn’t also an option then you can use Samba :-).
Continue reading Samba: Setup an Active Directory →
linux can, of course 🙂 , act as an ntp server.
For debian 9 the following steps are necessary.
Continue reading Linux: Setup ntp server →
you can Windows tell to synchronise your PCs time time with an NTP time server of your choice.
For example the german “Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB)”, which is the responsible authority of the DCF77 (Time) transmitter, operates three of them:
To set these server as timesource use the following command with Administrator rights:
If the the W32time service does not exists, register them
w32tm /register
start the Time service
Continue reading Windows: Configure to use a NTP Timeserver →
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